Baby Bounce
Songs, books and play for cradled and crawling bubs.
Baby bounce has been specifically designed with baby’s developmental needs in mind, and aims to empower parents with ideas and strategies to continue the fun and learning at home.
Each session includes songs and activities for a different routine activity of a baby and their carers’ day: the change table, bathtime, mealtimes, outings and more.
This is followed by a Learning Games segment, where baby can explore fun things to play with, while learning important skills for their development.
Then, baby and their grown-up can enjoy dancing together, to a range of music, from popular songs you might hear on the radio, to music from around the world, to songs for kids. This is a lovely opportunity to bond, while baby learns about rhythm from your body, and sees how fun music and movement can be!
Next, each family gets a copy of the same book, to read along with the librarian. Baby and their grown up can practice “Conversational Reading“, talking and interacting about all the things they see in the book.
And finally, each session concludes by winding down with a lullaby singalong. This adds to parents’ knowledge bank of traditional and popular songs, and allows families to practice a lovely bedtime routine: a book and a song before drifting off to sleep.
We encourage families to hang around after the session, to get to know one another, and enjoy an informal little ‘playgroup’.